Immigration Advice for Adult Migrants (MBE)

The normal German Red Cross (DRK) program for young people and families is also meant for refugees and people who have recently migrated.
We focus on providing targeted and comprehensive help in individual cases for foreigners and immigrants who have come to Germany and aim to facilitate and guide assimilation into the social, cultural and professional areas of life.
For whom?
- Migrants with a chance to stay permanently and ethnic German repatriates over 27 years of age, their spouses/partners and children
- EU citizens 27 years of age and older
- Immigrants who have already been living in Germany
Please come to us as soon as you can after entering Germany!
Our program is voluntary, confidential and free of cost.
How does it work?
- We will hold an initial interview with you.
- We will analyze your personal opportunities.
- Together with you, we will plan the next steps to take in order to reach your goals and assist you in assimilating into life in Germany.
What help is offered?
- Information on language learning
- Assistance when dealing with government agencies, filling out applications and forms
- Clarification of legal questions regarding residency, naturalization and bringing family members to German
- Information on social benefits
- Assistance with housing questions
- Advice on schooling and career counseling
- Advice on professional training and continuing education
- Support handling personal and family problems
- Contact person to help with questions about German culture and social integration
In addition to providing individual help to migrants, we work to make the regular services more culturally diverse and participate in community networks.
Immigration Advice for Adult Migrants

Die Migrationsberatung des DRK Kreisverband Muldental e.V. ist Teilnehmer an dem verbandsübergreifenden Pilotprojekt zur Onlineberatung MBEonline